Today's Hungarian art market is ever increasing in value for professionals who orientate themselves in a particular artistic field, are familiar with the ins and outs of the art and have an overview of the players. Werk Academy is a new start-up in Hungary that provides unique training by means of theoretical knowledge, background information and social capital. This course gives insight into the operation and functioning of classical music for which we will call on the best national professionals to demonstrate in their own fields of expertise. Thus, participants will also look into the workings of the classical music market and will possess the compatible skills upon completion of the training in order to start working in the industry. It culminates with a professional exam where participants hold a concert under one roof.
Mentor: Vera Meczner Artist manager (Gradus Artist Management)
The teachers of the trade:
Tamás Ditzmann (sound designer)
Gábor Egri (Palace of Arts, sales and marketing director)
Orsolya Erdődy (Budapest Festival Orchestra, managing director)
Ildiko Gedényi (Artist Management manager)
Melitta Gyüdi (Hungarian State Opera, protocol officer)
Zsolt Horváth (Pannon Philharmonic, managing director)
István Joós (Magneoton, director)
Zsolt Kocsi (Palace of Arts, production manager)
Géza Kovács (Hungarian Radio Art Groups, managing director)
Tamás Körner (artist manager)
Zsófia Lendvai (copyright lawyer)
Eszter Pista (Cadenza Artis Management, artist manager)
Judit Várkonyi (Hungarian State Opera, former press agent)
Dávid Zsoldos (Papageno, owner and managing director)
More information: Werk Academy